vnc | Day in my life


Aug 30

Amazon Route53 for Dynamic DNS

In my earlier blog DNS: All you need to know, I had pen down my thoughts about how DNS services are generally sliced in the industry. This blog is a continuation of it detailing how Dynamic DNS service could be utilised between three different service providers. Below was my previous setup: ISP BT (British Telecom) is my ISP. As since I’m a residential broadband customer, I don’t have …


Jul 30

DNS: All you need to know

I have been a long time user of Dynamic DNS service provided by the DynDNS. I had no issue with using their service until they stopped their free offering. I have continued with them for about a year and since it’s coming up to renew, I started looking at alternatives and here is a brief blog about my learning in hope that it could be beneficial to someone in same boat.



Aug 2

Keytool : Certification management utility for Java

Keytool is a secure socket layer certification management utility included in JDK and manages Java KeyStore (JKS). JKS is a repository of security certificates, either authorization certificates or public key certificates used for instance in SSL encryption. It also allows the user to manage their own public/private key-pairs and certificates. KeyStore You might hear alternative name called …


Apr 19

JNDI Tutorial preparations - missing steps

Hope this blog helps anyone looking at running through Sun/Oracle JNDI tutorials. I had to troubleshot to get the samples running and hence putting this blog to help anyone in similar situation. I was running the samples on ApacehDS LDAP server, hence had to make few changes before the tutorial.ldif loaded correctly. Below is the exact steps I had to follow to make it work. Download and install …


Jan 18

How to use built in VNC client on Mac

If you are boxed into thinking about installing a VNC client for Mac; then this post if for you. I was exactly under the same impression until Google about it a bit more. Good news is OSX comes with built in application to access remote desktop over VNC. But to access the application you have two choices. Assuming your VNC server is running on server Using Finder Open finder and go …



Dec 17

Migrating Sonatype Nexus 1.9.2 to 2.7.x

Below is my experience of migrating the nexus 1.9.2 to 2.7.0, this is my personal instance of nexus and if you are planning to do this on production environment take more caution. Nexus had moved on a lot from the last version I had installed. I was forced to look at the migration as the Nexus wasn’t starting after the target box was upgraded to Java 1.7 from 1.6. I went through this link on …


Oct 20

XFCE on Debian

I have been a Debian user for more than 10 years now and like many others linux/alternative OS enthusiasts have tried, retried many other OSes and always return back to my Debian home. Below is my experience of setting up minimalistic desktop environment for productivity and ease of use. Disclaimer: I’m assuming following bits about the reader i.e. you’re good at or least comfortable …


Oct 12

Apache load balancer for Tomcat

This is a follow-up post to my earlier one apache and tomcat. You could read more about the Tomcat clustering here which describes a more detailed view of load balancing and persistent sessions with-in-memory session replication and so on. But in this post, I will discuss a basic load balancing solution with sample working solution. The mod_proxy module can also be used for load balancing but will …


Oct 12

Apache and Tomcat

Tomcat application server is good at serving dynamic content. Though it can serve static content too, it’s generally left to the Web servers to do the job as its lightweight and specialised. Hence most Java-based web application would generally involve Apache to serve static content while dynamic content is left to Tomcat. Integration between Apache and Tomcat can be done using the JK …



Aug 27

Apache in Debian based systems

Its been over 10 years now since, I started using Debian. I have got used to its organisation so much that I tear my hair often when I have to work with other distros. But I have to agree that its the same with guys from other side of fence. Hence I’m putting my understanding of how Debian Apache HTTPD or in package terms “apache2” is organised. This should be handy if you have …


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