java | Day in my life


Jun 1

Kubernetes on Debian 11 (Bullseye)

I took Kubernetes 1.24 for a spin that has dockershim removed. I wished to install it on Debian 11 using kubeadm and here are the issue that I had to tackle to get it working. Disable swap If it’s a fresh install of Debian, during installation disable the swap partition completely. Even with a swap partition disabled system still creates a swap file. Use the following command to disable it …


Jan 5

Configuring Docker on Synology NAS (DSM 7.x)

I bought Synology NAS DS218+ about a couple of years ago. Since been using it as a transient store for all media files before it uploads to the cloud for permanent storage. I was looking to utilise it more, rather than a glorified cache but memory limitation was a bummer. DS218+ comes with 2GB of built-in memory and is user-upgradable to a max of 10GB by adding a second 8GB DIMM.



Dec 20

VS Code: managing extensions across machine

Do you use VS Code for editing or developing code? Do you use VS Code across multiple machines? Do you like to have extensions across multiple environments the same? If you answered yes to all questions, then here is the solution. Enable Command Line Tool to access VS Code from the command line (see below). Do this both on the source and target machine. VS Code add to PATH for command line …


Oct 28

Setting up Kubernetes for local development using k3d and Docker

Kubernetes has become the defacto choice for running workloads for most microservices. Hence keeping parity with production, it’s wise to use Kubernetes for local development. This article uses k3d distributions of Kubernetes since it’s lightweight and runs on docker. If you are confident running Kubernetes, there are other options like minikube and Docker Desktop. I initially wrote …


Feb 21

Cross compiling Rust using Docker

If you are reading this blog, you are probably looking for ways to cross-compile Rust; into another target platform other than the one you are coding. If you are then, you are in for a slice of my take on how I have achieved it. A solution, as you may have probably guessed from the title, is to use Docker. I start up a local Docker container with all the necessary tools and cross-build …



Sep 30

Journey to OCMJEA (SCEA)

A desire to achieve this Architect certification started sometime around 2007 when I started to pursue Sun Certified Java Programmer 5.0 (SCJP). Those days on the Sun site they had this certification path that showed three layers, the bottom one being the SCJP and middle tier with SCJD, SCWCD, SCBCD and top tier being SCEA. I remember saying to myself what would it take to get there, little did I …


Sep 27

Blogging Reignited

This is the third (re)launch of my blog site and hopefully will make enough time this time to pin my thoughts often. I started to write about my experience back in 2010 on I got on to blogger as I was using Google services a lot. Few years down the line WordPress appealed as it was easier to write and format, as it offered a better WYSIWYG editor compared to blogger.



Sep 16

How to recover a forgotten iPhone restictions passcode!

Anyone who has screen the screen below would exactly know what I’m talking about. Like everyone, googled for answers and most suggestions were to reset iPhone and load using backup. Here is an alternative way of successfully retrieving the passcode without involving reset. First make a backup of your iPhone or iPad using the iTunes and make sure you backup locally i.e. to the computer …



Jan 16

Apps Apps Apps

I joined the cult of Steve Jobs with early 2011 MacBook Pro. Mac OSX comes with a host of default apps that do a great job for normal user. But if you are edging towards a power user this apps might come in handy. Most of the apps noted below are free and I use them often. If you have any apps you would recommend, leave a comment. General Apps: Text Editor : TextWrangler



Sep 1

Raspbian (Jessie) netinstall on Raspberry Pi

I came across this project and managed to sucessfully use it to install a minimal Raspbian installation.If you are like me and looking to skim the fat out of the original SD card installation of Raspbian then this blog walks you through how to go about doing it. Pre-installation step Prerequisites SD Card of least 4GB size Familiarity of OS you are using to execute below steps Format the SD …


© Nataraj Basappa 2021